Spring School Geometry and Visualization
The spring school on Geometry and
Visualization took place at the Freie Universität
Berlin on April 10-13, 2006. The school is part of
the DAAD project
Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer
Science Education. 31 students from 6
universities in South Eastern Europe participated.
Topics of the spring school include
Introductory lectures on
discrete differential geometry.
Presentations of multimedia
technologies such as JavaView, MuPAD for
computer algebra, webMathematica, Acrobat3D,
mesh compression, functional geometries and
software development tools.
Hands-on exercises and
programming practices in a computer lab.
A demonstration of recent
progress in visualization including a 3D show by
Visualization Group at
Zuse Institute Berlin.
Guest lectures by
Mirek Majewski on MuPAD and JavaView.
Contributed talks and
demonstrations by the participants.
List of participants