Spring School Geometry and Visualization

The spring school on Geometry and Visualization took place at the Freie Universität Berlin on April 10-13, 2006. The school is part of the DAAD project Multimedia Technology for Mathematics and Computer Science Education. 31 students from 6 universities in South Eastern Europe participated.

Topics of the spring school include

  • Introductory lectures on discrete differential geometry.

  • Presentations of multimedia technologies such as JavaView, MuPAD for computer algebra, webMathematica, Acrobat3D, mesh compression, functional geometries and
    software development tools.

  • Hands-on exercises and programming practices in a computer lab.

  • A demonstration of recent progress in visualization including a 3D show by the Visualization Group at Zuse Institute Berlin.

  • Guest lectures by Mirek Majewski on MuPAD and JavaView.

  • Contributed talks and demonstrations by the participants.

List of participants